We offer abortion services one weekend a month, in addition to our usual operating hours from Monday to Friday

(weekends : abortion by medication only)

Next weekend: March 29

An autonomous, feminist, community-based organization of women working in sexual and reproductive health



Abortion resource site specific to the Quebec context. You’ll find a decision-making guide, a post-abortion support guide, a history of abortion in Quebec and much more. This site was designed by Clinique de santé des femmes de l’OutaouaisCentre de santé des femmes de Montréal and Centre de santé des femmes de la Mauricie.

Our research partnership on contraception and immigration

“Contraception and immigration: Obstacles and levers to access to care” is the research partnership between a research team from UQAM and the Women’s Health Centre of Montreal. This dossier focuses on the contraceptive practices of immigrant women and the problems of access to family planning encountered by this population. It is aimed at health-care professionals who deal with the sexual and reproductive health of foreign-born women.

To consult the dossier on the CREMIS website, click here.